Kelda forgot her water bottle (with tea in it) in the car overnight...
it wasn't very drinkable the next morning.
Never thought I would say I was going to MT to thaw out...LOL. At the gas station I asked where the coke machines were and it was inquired if I meant the sodie pop machine? I was taken off guard but responded umm yes that is what I was looking for -was told okie dokie hun it is right around the corner there! ROFL ok so those in Fargo ND are much like what you see in the movies and no exaggeration nor is the state of their weather. When I stated it was FREEEEZING out there I was told oh no days like today is just a swim before work weather...ok so I am a tourist you are going to pull my leg but you have already been WAY too chipper for me this morning all I want is my gas and nothing more. Have a great day! As for me I want to get back to my ever taken for granted state of Montana:0) Warmer temps and CLEAN FRESH air!! The ability to actually see the sky! I will never complain about our snow and cold again....well until next Kelda said she will just pull out the photos and remind me of what it could be.
I think those that live in MT, WY and ID are awesome people. Growing up people always waved to each other~ know you or not....same is true now today. After having lived in CO Benjamin when he sees someone wave always asks who is that? I don't know kiddo just a friendly neighbor. Now after our experience east he has discovered the difference between wonderful friendly neighbors and not so friendly finger flipping horn honking "neighbors" can be!
Today he said -
"sure is nice to be "home"...anywhere in MT is better than going out of state ever again. He is going to live in MT forever now" Too bad we have more travels for the year in the works...he might change his mind when he goes to KS:0) He wants to be a wheat farmer!
Lets see the first 200+ miles looked like this:
My eyes hurt from this alone.
Along the way we saw something that would make our guys at the towing company drool:
I can just imagine the adrenaline rush they would be on right about now:0)
AHHHHH Finally HOME SWEET HOME...well the sign was enough for me...still got several hours to go.
Ok so I NEVER thought I would say Billings was a wonderful sight but ya know I even missed Billings!
Metal Goose structure exit 72 in Montana
Here is a photo when we picked up Zander:
yay you are back!!!! when do i getta c u?
Yes we are:0) I was trying to get back to meet up with Carl in Bozeman only to have missed him and now still have to go to Helena to see him. The car rental has to go back Sunday at which time I should have my truck back...I hope. I will be back your way soon! I am soooo beyond exhausted I wouldn't be worth 2 cents to ya at the moment anyhow and very low on patience...ask my My phone did come back while I was gone so at least I am not so lost anymore. ttyvs.
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