In light of the fullmoon tonight thought I would post this little story:
Listen close and hearken to my words:
I who am Demeter, giver of fruitfulness and abundance; I who am Arianrhod, the Turner of the Heavenly Wheel; I who am Selene, Queen of the Starlit Heavens and Goddess of the Moon; I who am Hera, Goddess of the Hearth.
As I am the Goddess of the Moon. I am the bringer of change in your life. And although you may not see the wisdom, all I do is done for the betterment of each and every one of my children. But fear not for I am also Hera, Goddess of the Unchanging Hearth and I bring that growing power to each of your ventures, if they follow the Rede.
But also remember that for each of these gifts that I offer you, you must in turn spread your gifts to the people around you. Be a light in the world to show the way of love and the way of peace. But do not think that I counsel you to let yourself be trodden upon. Stand firm in your beliefs and for your rights. Yet do this while remaining calm and loving. And I assure you that if enough of you do this then it will spread like all wondrous things will and the world will be united in peace and love.
Let each person lead their own lives. Yet counsel in love if you see them doing harm to themselves or others. Also lead by example. Live these words and others will follow. For do not actions speak louder than words?
I give you all my blessings and shower you in my Love. Blessed Be!
According to Starweaver's Corner this full moon in Taurus is about stability and physicality; persistence and pleasure. It can manifest something desirable and keeping it safe and sound for continued enjoyment.
So in this theme, your family can take time tonight to talk about the goals of the family. What things are you going to work together on in the coming months?
It's a big deal.
*One of the things I've learned over the years in working with small humans
is that everything is important. I never tell a kid who's having troubl...
5 days ago
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