Hello when I come across stuff whether I will use them or not..if I think someone else can benefit then I try and blog it. And right now in this current economy who couldn't use a few freebies right? So here are a couple things that came to my attn this morning:0) Enjoy!!
I stumbled upon this. Today's book is about inventors...each day it's a different book. You don't have to register or sign up at all. They explain it on the page more fully. A COMPLETE BOOK EVERY DAY! Wow. They change the book every day, Mon-Fri and you can only download it on that day.
Hello everyone. You all know of Veggietales, right? Phil Vischer, the guy who created Veggietales (if looking for a good book, read his autobiography called "Me, Myself, and Bob"). His newest project is called "JellyTelly". It's a website, totally free. There are games on there, but the best part...everyday features approx. 20 minutes of programming. It's a combination of puppetry, computer graphics, cartoons, and live-action. It's reaches a wide variety of ages, and it covers subjects like Books of the Bible, forgiveness, sharing, etc. The have "Drive Through History" on there which covers people like John Adams, and the goofy "silly songs" about the Bible. Really crazy stuff. Totally free. I told a friend about it who homeschools and she says that she now considers it part of their curriculum. Go to: http://www.jellytelly.com
I know I have listed these probably before but were in the same email.
I use a mixture anymore of a bunch of stuff for our curriculum depending upon the child.
I use: www.time4learning.com
and a few other sites, like www.starfall.com
and www.createareader.com haven't looked at this one yet but from reports I have read is awesome for preschoolers.
Kelda still uses Learning 2000, Inger loves her books, and Benjamin is from what ever i put together according to his level at the time...he is doing much much better strictly unschooling method.
It's a big deal.
*One of the things I've learned over the years in working with small humans
is that everything is important. I never tell a kid who's having troubl...
5 days ago
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