Can you believe my grandmother asked me to wait until May??? Says weather is better, we can go to the dam and other things and I can see the starts of the real beauty of TN.
Ahhh ok so upon my grandmothers wishes I am waiting until May to make the trip to Tennessee. Which actually will allow us to save more money, hopefully even get a few more bills paid off even. Her birthday is in May anyhow and mine is in June as is Carls. Her real main reason was because she has flower seedlings started all over her house and can't plant them outdoors until May as April always brings one more good frost that would harm her babies. So ok I can go with that and shall wait.
Cool I get a little more time to work on weightloss;0) LOL such a priority eh? Ok so maybe I can just get more in on working out...weightloss yeah I am funny there. That has been a rough situation in the past several years with thyroid disease. It doesn't come easily not even a little. I managed to lose 35lbs last year and have gained back 8 lbs over the winter. I would like to lose that plus a little before my trip. So nice weather come on I can't afford the gym with my other goals to acheive so I need warm sunshiney days to make this happen. Wish me luck
Holy Barf Bags, Batman!
*Turns out taking some Excedrin and trying to power through might not be
the best idea. I've been feeling sick for a whole week. Friday night I w...
4 days ago
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