Sunday, January 11, 2009

Imbolc Day 5: Saying Goodbye to Winter

Day 5: Saying Goodbye to Winter

Patti Wigington from Patti Wigington
It's February, and we're all tired of being cold. Send winter on its way with a few end-of-the-season celebrations. Imbolc is a good time to do some divination as to what's headed your way in the coming year, as well as some meditation. Finally, we'll also talk about the whole idea of "spring cleaning" and why it's so good for us to do!

End of Winter Meditation

This meditative journey is one you can read ahead of time, and then recall as you meditate, or you can record yourself reading it aloud, and listen to it as a guided meditation later on. You can even read it aloud as part of a group ritual. The ideal place to perform this meditation is somewhere outside -- try to pick a day that's warm, or at the very least sunny...Read More

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